In searching for green plumbing related information around the internets I started to realize something. I realized that there were places around the world that are far ahead of the US in the green building movement. Even though Portland is considered a leader in green building in the US, you would be hard pressed to find a green plumber. In fact, this year's ReDirect
Australia seems like the place to be if you are a green plumber. Apparently, Australia is one of the driest areas in the world and is in the midst of the second worst drought it's seen since 1900. However, the population has the third largest per capita usage of water in the world. This puts them in a bit of a pinch.
One of the ways Australia is reacting to their water problems is through widespread adoption of green plumbing practices. Here's what Wikipedia says about the current drought , "The current drought has changed the way Australia treats its water resources. Because of the long-term effects of the drought now showing, many state governments are attempting to "drought-proof" their states with more permanent solutions... Now schemes like Grey-water water-recycling, government rebates for home-owners to install water tanks, and tougher restrictions on industries have come into effect."
Take Australia's lead with the Hot Water Lobster Instant Hot Water Valve! It's a revolutionary new home water conservation valve. This hot water recirculation unit that requires no pump or electricity. It is installed under the sink furthest from the water heater to provide instant hot water to the entire home. Hot Water Lobster saves water, energy, and time. It’s made in the U.S.A., has a 10-year warranty, and comes with a money back guarantee! The Hot Water Lobster is available on the web for only $179.95 at the following link: www.hotwaterlobster.com
Well written article.
Thanks for this one! Will be waiting for more!
Plumbing in Australia is one of the in demand jobin the continent because many houses are having problem with their water systems and sewerages.
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